What is the difference between the first cosmic speed, satellite orbital speed?

What is the difference between the first cosmic speed, satellite orbital speed?

The cosmic speed and orbital speed we discussed are all in a vacuum, which is the final flight state of a satellite without thrust.  

The first cosmic speed

The first cosmic speed is the minimum speed needed for an object to escape the gravitational pull of a planet. For Earth, the first cosmic speed is about 7.93 kilometers per second. This means that if an object is traveling at or above this speed, it will escape Earth's gravity and continue traveling through space. If an object is traveling below this speed, it will eventually fall back to Earth.

What is the difference between the first cosmic speed, satellite orbital speed?
Earth, Satellite, orbit and velocity

Here is how we calculate the first cosmic speed:
What is the difference between the first cosmic speed, satellite orbital speed?
The first cosmic speed

  • R is the radius of the Earth, which is equal to 6.37 × 10^6 m (r = R+h)
  • G is the gravitational constant, which is equal to 6.67 × 10^-11 N m^2 / kg^2
  • M is the mass of the Earth, which is equal to 5.97 × 10^24 kg
  • m is the mass of satellite 

Let centripetal forces equal to universal gravitation, we can V1 = 7.897Km/S.
The first cosmic speed is the minimum speed needed to launch a satellite into orbit. It is also the maximum speed a satellite can travel while in orbit. To get into space, a satellite must reach the first cosmic speed at launch.

Orbital speed

Satellite orbit speed is the speed at which a satellite must travel in order to maintain its orbit around a planet. The orbital speed of a satellite depends on the mass of the planet and the distance between the satellite and the planet.

  • v is the orbital speed in meters per second
  • G is the gravitational constant (6.673 x 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2)
  • M is the mass of the planet in kilograms
  • r is the distance between the center of the planet and the center of the satellite in meters
From the speed equation, we can tell that objects in higher orbits travel at slower speeds.
What is the difference between the first cosmic speed, satellite orbital speed?
Orbital speed in orange color is slower

For example, Geostationary satellites orbit the Earth at an altitude of 35,786 kilometers (22,236 miles). At this altitude, they have to travel at a speed of 3.07 kilometers per second (1.91 miles per second) in order to maintain their orbit.

Can we launch a satellite with speed of 1m/S and send it into space?

Yes, it is theoretically possible to launch a satellite with a speed of 1m/s. However, this is not feasible in practice because we cannot carry unlimited fuel.
What is the difference between the first cosmic speed, satellite orbital speed?
Tsiolkovsky rocket equation

This is Tsiolkovsky rocket equation. It is a fundamental equation in rocketry. It is used to design rockets and to calculate the performance of rockets. The equation is also used to calculate the amount of fuel that is needed to reach a certain destination in space.Where:
  • Vm is the change in velocity of the rocket
  • v_r is the effective exhaust velocity of the rocket
  • m_max is the initial mass of the rocket
  • m_min is the final mass of the rocket
To To achieve a certain speed, a rocket can carry more fuel, but the excess fuel becomes a deadweight, limiting the benefits of carrying excess fuel. 

What is the difference between the first cosmic speed, satellite orbital speed?
Vm v.s  ratio of m_max/m_min

Multi-stage rockets are designed to use fuel more efficiently and improve mass ratio. This reduces the mass of the rocket, which allows the remaining stages to accelerate the rocket to a higher velocity.

Imagine there is a mountain with a platform at the top. You need to climb to the top of the mountain. What would you like to do once you reach the top?  Usually, When riding a bike up a low hill, you can usually build up speed and maintain it until you reach the platform at the top.

What is the difference between the first cosmic speed, satellite orbital speed?
Build up speed and maintain it until you reach the top


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